Yoga for menopause

Menopause yoga offers a yoga practice using poses designed to help alleviate the symptoms an individual may be experiencing and uses eastern philosophy to help to frame the approach, aiming to empower women as they step into this new chapter of their lives

Yoga instructor teaching a student

How can yoga help you navigate your menopause journey?

Menopause is a time for transition and affects everyone in different ways. There are a variety of approaches that can help women to manage their symptoms and the physical and emotional journey they go on as they move through this change. Yoga is one of the tools that can be available to help to alleviate menopausal symptoms and offer space for women to reflect on the shifts they are experiencing.

At 38 Fi was diagnosed with Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) which triggered menopausal symptoms and started her own journey with this time of transition. At the time she was on a yoga teacher training course and found the various elements of the training - from the physical practice and breathwork through to the philosophy of yoga and meditations - helped her to manage her symptoms. This led her to train as a menopause yoga teacher, undertaking the unique course provided by Menopause Yoga to enable her to share classes and workshops with others on their menopause journey.

What to expect in a menopause yoga class or workshop

Menopause yoga offers a yoga practice using poses designed to help alleviate the symptoms an individual may be experiencing and uses eastern philosophy to help to frame the approach, aiming to empower women as they step into this new chapter of their lives. We start with a women’s circle to have a space to share our experiences before we move into the physical practice. Each physical practice ends with a restorative yoga pose to help to calm the body and mind and invite relaxation. Finally, we take some time to journal and reflect  on our practice before closing the session.

“Fi is a fully accredited Menopause Yoga teacher who has graduated from this gold standard training course. Women going through the menopause will be safe and supported in her specialist classes. Enjoy!”

- Petra Coveney, founder, Menopause Yoga

Upcoming workshops

women in seated yoga poses

Menopause yoga workshops for 2023, at The Yoga Studio, Devonport.

  • Our autumn series of workshops has now closed

  • Check back in the Spring for our next workshops

“I found this session to be just what I needed! Fi was warm and welcoming and gave everyone the opportunity to join in the discussion. She was knowledgeable and empathetic and enabled me to view menopause in a different, more positive light. The practical session reminded me why I love yoga and how beneficial it is; it has spurred me on to continue with my strength practice. I loved this session and came away buzzing!”

— Kate, London

200 hour yoga teacher training - MoreYoga
150 hour advanced yoga teacher training - MoreYoga
10.5 hour pregnancy and postnatal integration training - MoreYoga
50 hour dropping into Stillness training; yin, restorative and meditation - MoreYoga
40 hour Menopause Yoga teacher teacher training - Menopause Yoga